Slow Morning at the Bourdelle Museum

Hi there!
Hidden in a tiny street behind the Montparnasse Tower in Paris stands this surprising building. It looks somehow like an Italian villa and an industrial building, with its red bricks, its huge studios and its tiny patios in the middle of the different rooms.

Antoine Bourdelle was born in 1861 and started being famous between 1897 and 1908. In 1900 he decorated the theatre of the Grevin Museum. He founded with Rodin and Desbois a free sculpture school in Montparnasse. In 1909 he became a teacher at the Grande Chaumière Academy, where he had Alberto Giacometti as his student.

The museum managed to remain in its original state, especially the sculpture studio. This is great, because you can walk freely in the rooms and, therefore, imagine easily how it used to be. You can also visit Bourdelle’s appartement. There is an exhibition about fashion, which you can see in the pictures. The contrast between the huge statues and the mannequins is breathtaking, they did a great job! What you can see in the pictures is only the free part of the exhibition – in order to see the rest you have to pay a fee, which we didn’t.

I highly recommend this museum, this is one of my favorites so far!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, filled with art,

Musée Bourdelle
18, rue Antoine Bourdelle 75015 PARIS
Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm.
Admission free for the permanent exhibitions.

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